Monday, February 25, 2013

Whale Watching

Radimersky family, waiting to board the boat (to the right)
 Well, I can finally say I've been Whale watching. We actually went about 4 years ago here in Samana but we didn't have such a great experience. We went in a very small boat and I only got a glimpse of a whale so I don't really count that. When it was suggested that we go whale watching again I had the attitude that I could take it or leave it because of our past experience. But Rebekka had done her research and she assured us that we were going with a professional group and it would be different. They even guaranteed that if we didn't see whales that we could go for  free another time. We went with a group that if run by a very nice woman named Kim Baddall. She is extremely knowledgeable about humpback whales and has a wonderful staff of very educated people that she works with. They gave us a lot of information about the activity of the whales and were excellent at spotting them. They would tell us exactly where to look and would position the boat so that we all could see. The humpback whales migrate to the Samana Bay every winter. This is where they mate and then 12 months later when the female returns, this is where she gives birth. We were able to observe a group of whales that consisted of a mother with her newborn calf and then 2 to 3 males that were escorting her.  The males were competing for her attention. The way they would get her attention was by breaching (jumping out of the water) Which was awesome to see. The baby whale was very active, breaching frequently, at times with it's mouth open. It really was a wonderful morning and we got to see some special things.

 Our camera was not working very well and didn't get many pictures. Richard took a lot of pictures so we're hoping to get some good ones from him. But this one is one of the large whales beginning to breach, the female is in front and you can see a little of her tale out of the water. The male actually came almost completely out of the water, it was an awesome sight.

Many people get sick while out on the boat and this tour provided dramamine tablets for any who wanted them. We did take them before we started but unfortunately both Lorraina and Lucas became a bit sick and an older brother in our group got sick, Doug & I did ok though.
Playita (little beach)

The tour began at 9:30 a.m. and returned at noon. Doug & I decided to drive to a beach we had heard about and chilled out there for the rest of the afternoon.

So, it was a lovely day, back to the preaching work tomorrow! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

I Can't think of a good title for this Post

Doug & Lucas preaching
 We enjoyed a nice morning in the ministry today. Since they have a Saturday evening meeting, a nice group supports the Sunday ministry. Lucas had asked Doug last night if they could work together this morning so they did. About half way through the morning, Lucas informs Doug that it is time to go on his Bible Study so off they went. Lucas studies with some youngsters in the Listening to the Great Teacher book. His students come to meeting when they can but it is a little difficult for them since the K.H. has changed locations but Lucas informed them today that if they stand along the street that his father would be glad to pick them up in his pick up truck! What a good example this 10 year old is. I worked with Rebekka and 7 yr old Lorraina this morning. It was Lorraina's turn. There was a family group sitting around shelling some peas (probably 12-15 persons) The head of the family ( a man ) got us some seats and was very friendly. Lorraina began by asking him if he knew God's name. A woman in the group (a sister of the man) immediately responds, "Jesus". Lorraina then turns in her Bible to Ps 83:18. The woman became almost hysterical saying that we have our own Bible and that some people call God Jehovah but her Lord is Jesus. The man basically told her to be quiet and listen to the word of God. Rebekka went on to share several scriptures showing the importance of knowing and using God's personal name Jehovah. The woman did not like this and every time  a scripture was read, she would turn her back. But the man remained respectful and accepted Lorraina's tract on Jehovah's name. Another young pregnant woman who was listening the whole time, apologized to us for the conduct of the woman, saying she was crazy. After we left, we heard a very loud discussion going on, with the crazy woman complaining about those "white woman". So I'm not sure that we made a progress with her but the rest of the family saw who was using the Bible.
We were missing Justin and Trish so decided to hop over there for a visit! But they weren't there, ooh wrong Honduras.

Me before my haircut.

Tomorrow is a fun day with the Radimersky family. We're going Whale Watching. Whales winter in the Bay here so it is a  very popular place for this activity. So hopefully I'll have some cool pictures to share! Richard & Rebekka are recovering from their Dengue but are not 100% yet. Today was there first day back out in the door to door ministry. Rebekka was tired till the end of the morning but they both look good and are doing well.

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Update With Pictures

Hello to everyone, we've made it to Samana! But let me back up. The day after the wedding, Doug & I left for Sosua to visit our old congregation and friends. Unfortunately I woke up that morning not feeling very well. Cory had not been feeling very well at his reception so I'm not sure if we were dealing with a virus or something we ate, hard to say. But regardless, it was another moving day for us. Danelle who is in Sosua for a few months, kindly offered us the apartment she was in for three nights while she bunked in with some girlfriends. By the time we arrived and got our things moved in, I was about done. By mid afternoon I realized I was running a fever so I spent the rest of that day and evening in bed. The real bummer was that the meeting that I wanted to attend was that evening so Doug was able to attend but I missed it. The next day my fever was gone and I seemed to be better but weak so we spent the day on the beach in Cabarete (one of our favorite remedies to feel better) Danelle was able to come down and visit with us for the afternoon and we had supper there on the beach. On Monday we were invited to a friends home for a little gathering. It was so nice to get caught up with friends and here there experiences. One of the families, the Sarkars, will be leaving the country soon. They were one of the first families that we met when we first came to the DR 6 ½ years ago. Their son was only 11 then but has grown into a fine young man. They've served in both the Spanish and Creole fields and are hoping now to help out the Creole field in the Bahamas. They were such a help and encouragement to us during our visits in the DR and to countless others. They are an outstanding example of a self-sacrificing family who is known for their hospitality and love for the brotherhood, so we wish them well and Jehovah's blessing!

While in Sosua we heard that our friends, the Radimerskys, who we were going to visit in Samana were really sick with Dengue. Richard had been in the hospital for 6 days and Rebekka for 10. (she had pneumonia also) When Doug called them they said they were doing better and to keep our plans. So Tuesday we arrived in Samana (about 2 ½ hr drive from Sosua) . Rebekka had been checking out different apartments for us, so that afternoon they took us to a little seaside community and we looked at a few. It's actually a pretty big community made up of duplexes, houses and apartments. The one we chose is a duplex. The owner, and Italian man, lives on the one side. It's very spacious with lots of cupboards and closet and drawer space which is really unusual. It has two bedrooms, bath, and kitchen and then a nice size porch with table and chairs, a couch and two more chairs so the porch is more like a living room. If there weren't buildings in front of us, we could see the ocean but we can hear it. We have use of a washing machine, which is great and we're suppose to have internet but as of today (Feb 21) we haven't been able to get it worked out (a password issue, we need Cory here) We also have a hot water heater that we can turn on to heat the water for showers. Electricity is very expensive here so we'll use it sparingly but it's nice to have. And also there are no Roosters Here!

We were able to get in the ministry yesterday. Even though this is a seaside community, it is very mountainous so we again were walking up and down hills and of course we had some rain showers so everything was muddy but it was great to be out in service again. This is a brand new congregation (started Sep 1) and only has 17 publishers so it will be nice to work with them for the next four weeks.

February 22 - Today was a beautiful day. We were in service for the entire day. I didn't get home till 5:45 p.m. The Coordinator and his wife are a couple from Italy and they invited us to work with them in the afternoon. So this morning we worked with the group, there was probably 12 out in service for the morning. After a morning of service most of us went to a little Dominican restaurant and had a typical Dominican meal for about $3.00 a plate. Then I accompanied Emanuela or several RV's and Bible studies. So was a really nice day.  We finally have internet at our place but it is very slow. I'll try to post some pictures of our new place and my new haircut. Yes, I braved going to a local salon and just telling them to cut it off. It feels great! While the sister I was working with was talking to a householder this morning, I started talking to three little girls that seemed intrigued by me. I showed them Jehovah's name in the Bible and then much to my surprise the one little girl smelled my arm and then smelled her own, then the second little girl did this also. I guess they wanted to see if white people smelled different. They then followed us to the next few doors, fighting over who got to hold my hand. This afternoon I had another surprise, while sitting at a Bible study, I heard this noise behind me on my chair, I turned to look and there was this beautiful parakeet, it was a pet of the family. It was quite curious of me also and walked all around me and eventually attacking my skirt!
Our Apartment

the porch

The beach about 100 yards from us

Joey, from Canada, really likes pigs

I like birds better

They rent union hall for the meetings (17 pub)

The parakeet decides to visit Emanuela

Lucas did the Bible reading, he is also the Mic carrier

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mr & Mrs Cory Young

 Just wanted to quickly share with you some photos of the day. It was a beautiful day and as usual not everything went as planned but it all worked out. Doug & I are packing up again and leaving for Sosua. So will share more when we can. 
Enjoy the photos. There was a real photographer there that got the whole day, so these are just a glimpse.  Hope you all are well, Take Care

The happy mothers

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Day Befoe the Wedding

 Well, it's hard to believe that after months of preparation and planning the day has finally come! It's the morning of the wedding! The last two days have been busy with last minute preparations.  On Wednesday Doug & I packed up our things, cleaned and did laundry, moved Jeni's things into the house and moved out (we're currently in a hotel in Luperon). Cory's former roommate, Yamato, returned from Japan after being away for 8 months. So he showed up and began moving some of his things out, he finished moving yesterday.

 Yesterday morning, the mother of the bride along with some friends and family were busy slaughtering 15 rabbits that will be used for the wedding feast. The bride had some appointments with the manicurist and salon. Around 5 there was a scheduled pre-wedding Kingdom Hall cleaning and final rehearsal.

The flower girl (daughter of Jeni's cousin)

Cory & Jeni chose to not have any bridesmaids or groomsman just a flower girl.
Keeping the flower girl entertained!

I think she's got it down (after several tries)

We'll see if she does this today!

Putting together the paper lanterns

Pretty earring Matt!
My big event for the day was the Manicure!

 Then it was up to the restaurant where we'll be having the reception to get some things set up!

 Oh, & the skies are clear, Looks like it's going to be a perfect Day for a Wedding!

My hand is on my dress