Wednesday, March 13, 2013

And Soooo the Adventure comes to an End

It's hard to believe that our eleven week trip is down to its last few days. We've been enjoying the campaign work, although it has been very tiring. The weather has been very pleasant with temperatures in the low to mid 80's. The congregation here has supported the work very well and their territory is almost completed! There have been some good experiences, Doug found a man last week who had been studying but for some reason the brother did not return to continue the study. It could have been that when this new congregation was formed in September that the brother wasn't assigned here and it just didn't get turned over. But anyway he really wanted to continue his study, so arrangements were made to take care of him.

 Who says you need to have snow to go sled riding! These young fellows were using palm leaves for sleds and sliding down a steep concrete sidewalk.
Do you see the bananas off my right shoulder

 We've been preaching in some pretty areas. The day when these were taken, we were working a road that went along the ocean so many of the people we talked to made their living by fishing.
A view from where we were preaching

The man in the yard is repairing one of his fishing nets

Of course we had to buy some fresh fish from the fisherman.  These are called Colorado and we were told they were very good. So we fried them up for lunch and they were indeed very tasty.

Look who followed Doug home from the beach the other morning. He was so weak from lack of food that he could hardly walk. So I gave him some scraps of ham that we had. At first when I would feed him, he would take the food and go hide to eat it, probably afraid that it would be taken from him, I suppose when you're the littlest dog in the bunch, it is hard to survive. Well, as you might of guessed, he hasn't left, he's adopted us as well as one of my other neighbors who I think is feeding him also. He's sleeping at my feet as I write this. I've named him Baby. He's become very friendly and playful.

We are viewing our last week here as a vacation week. We've been to a few different beaches, hiked to a scenic look out, just trying to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings.  On Monday we went with some friends to a beach called El Rincon. You can only get there by driving about 1/2 hour on a rough dirt road or by boat. The brothers had 4 wheel drive so we drove. It is truly one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. Beautiful water, white sand and surrounded by beautiful mountains. 
Waiting for lunch, I hadn't played this game in years

El Rincon - the pictures just don't do it justice!

Karen & Harry from Austria

Wins award for most creative pose

Wins award for Cutest!

So our time in the DR is coming to and end. We're heading over to Cabarete this weekend to meet up with Cory and Jeni and then they'll be taking us to the airport on Tuesday. Our visit to Samana has been everything we hoped it would be. It's been very relaxing and enjoyable being here. Catching up with old friends and making new ones. That is truly one of the beautiful things about Jehovah's organization. The wonderful friends that we have wherever we are. Looking forward to seeing all of friends and family back in PA, Please order up some nice springtime weather for us! 


  1. Please bring some of the warmth back with you. Thank you for sharing your adventure. It was almost like being there. See you soon.

  2. I really enjoyed your blog. We will be glad to have you back but so far the weather has been cold. Everyone is ready for Spring. The invitation work is going good. Bill interviewed the Bakers last night for a part in the service meeting. It was on expanding your ministry. They have been such a blessing to our congregation even though they are working with the Spanish. We love all of the Spanish group. See you next week.

  3. Just wanted you to know again how much we enjoyed the record of your adventure. In the Cedonia congregation, we have 36 aux. pioneers plus 21 regulars. Nate, Amber and I are among the auxiliary pioneers. It's been cold though and I got sick right after signing up, of course, but I have been engaging in a lot of letter writing, inviting people to the Memorial. Harold is giving the Memorial talk in a high school auditorium which three of our eight congregations have rented for the occasion.We are covering our territory well.
