Saturday, December 14, 2013

Un Buen Dia

Yes, yesterday was a Good Day for several reasons. First I have to mention the weather and I really am not trying to rub it in because I know back home you are dealing with another snow storm today but..... When we got up yesterday there was a clarity in the air, real blue skies and you could tell the humidity was down. For the first few days of our visits there were sun and clouds and the occasional rain shower throughout the day (typical winter weather here) But yesterday was exceptionally pretty with a fresh breeze. In addition we worked in the ministry in a particularly pretty area. Their territory here is very rural and the people take pride in keeping their gardens and flowers pretty. So it was just a pleasure to be walking along talking to these hospitable people. Jeni and I approached one home where three teenage boys were practicing some music, one had an acordian and I'm not sure what the other instruments were called but as soon as they saw us, they stopped playing, put their instruments down and went and got us chairs to sit down. They listened attentively and accepted some literature. It is just very refreshing to see the respect for the Bible that these people have.
In the ministry, this little guy couldn't have been more than 5 yrs old but he was handling these cows like a pro.

Writing down a RV

Tires a little low
So after a morning in the ministry we decided it was just too nice of day and there was no other choice but to go to the beach. So the four of us loaded up after lunch and headed to Cambiaso which is a bit of a drive over and through the mountains but what beautiful views we had. We went to a little protected cove where the water was  calm and to us it felt almost warm!  We had  a nice time swimming around and Jeni tried Snorkeling for the first time.

I thought of you Doug A. When Cory found this one on the beach, Sorry too heavy to bring home

Had to forge a river to get to the beach

View from top of the Mtn                                                                                                                   
But there is something else that made this an especially good day. To tell the whole story I have to go back a little bit. Many of you know that Jeni was approved for a tourist visa to enter the U.S. next year. About a week before our arrival they received her paperwork and the visa was only good for three months, meaning they would need to travel to the U.S. by mid February. This is not what they requested. They had told them their trip was planned for the Spring. So an email was sent to the embassy and they received a reply that they would need to make another trip to the Capital to get approval for a date change, just what they wanted to do (not). The interview went fine and they said no problem will change the date, your paperwork will arrive in about a week. So this brings us to yesterday. While in the ministry, they received a phone call saying the paperwork had arrived (at a local store in Luperon). So now we're all wondering will the paper work be accurate with the correct dates. Well much to our delight, Jeni received not a one time entry visa but she was approved for a TEN year entry visa, meaning she can come and go as they please for the next ten years w/o the expense and hassle of applying again! So this good news made this an especially "buen dia".


  1. Just to let you know; it was quite sunny in Maryland today. I'm happy to be able to see your blog up and running. Tell Cory and Jen they look great and their apartment is lovely. I know that you are enjoying being with your family. We just returned from our CA with our family. Two days of all kinds of encouragement.

  2. What great news. We will look forward to seeing Jeni on a regular basis. Doug said to tell you that if He was there, He would find a way to bring that shell home. More pictures of the kitties and Jeni please.

  3. So this is how the pros blog! Enjoy the sun...we finally got to put our toes in some nice sand today in Saba.

  4. Ohhhh that's great news about Jeni!!! Tell them we will be looking forward to seeing them this spring! Sounds like you are having a great time.....enjoy!!! My google account still comes up "mommy" from Tyese's....haha! But it's me; Jan!
